Through the Middle Years Programme (MYP) projects, students experience the responsibility of completing a significant piece of work over an extended period of time.

MYP projects encourage students to reflect on their learning and the outcomes of their work – key skills that prepare them for success in further study, the workplace and the community. These projects are at the heart of the MYP and key to the inquiry process in Middle School.

In the Personal Project (M5), students explore a passion that they have and investigate this to develop a meaningful outcome as a capstone part of the MYP programme. The Community Project (M3) provides an important opportunity for TISA's M3 students to collaborate and pursue service learning.

While the outcomes of the projects is important, the focus is on the process. As students research and explore their topics, the products and their chosen Global context, they continuously reflect on the information collected and how they achieved this. The Personal and Community Projects also deepen the students' understanding of the Approaches to Learning (ATLs) and of themselves as a learner.

At TISA, support is given to students by the their supervisors, the Project Coordinators and in their TAO lessons. More information about the M5 Personal Project can be accessed by clicking the button below.

TISA's Personal Project Platform 

The International School of Azerbaijan

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+994 (0)12 404 12 01