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The Primary School Newspaper Team were involved in researching and writing articles on food waste and environmental pollution caused by rubbish. The students initiated action to help reduce food waste in the TISA canteen. Firstly, they interviewed Mr Carlos.
 Then, with help of some teachers, a video was broadcast to the whole school to raise awareness of how much waste is generated in the canteen everyday. Next, a competition began within school to see who could reduce the most amount of waste. Students carried out a second interview with some of the TISA teachers, to find out how the competition was progressing. It has been a fantastic success!! Finally, We are now at the stage where every student is separating their own food waste from paper and plastic at lunchtimes. And we are all using the recycling bins provided aren’t we?
Primary School Newspaper Team

The International School of Azerbaijan

AZ1070 | Yeni Yasamal | Royal Park | Baku Azerbaijan  
+994 (0)12 404 12 01