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The ELC and the Primary school students were entertained by amazing talent last Friday during the annual TISA’s Got Talent Assembly. There was a wide array of performances and we were most impressed with the courage of the students to perform in front of all their school friends. Read the rest by the performers Andrew, Harriet, Kirsty, and Eliza!

I think everybody did well performing. I enjoyed watching everyone doing their dancing and their singing. Somebody did a play and there was even a traditional dance. It was fun to watch everybody dance, sing and to show off their talents.

- Andrew, P7N

Being in TISA’s got talent and watching everybody perform before me was kind of worrying because they were all so good. But when it came to my turn I was really, really, really, worried, so worried that I forgot the words. But the good thing is that no one knew the song so nobody noticed. When ever you are on stage or performing something, don’t be worried about the people before you because when you get on stage it will all be good. I think Leila and I did well.

- Harriet, P7J

I was really really nervous as I had never been a performer before. But Lydia and Alsu needed somebody in their group so I helped them so they could be in the show. We had a really good audition which actually turned out to be one of the best practices we had had. When we got through I was really excited but also nervous at the same time. I was even more scared on the day. There was a part where the song stopped when I was on stage and the song stopped and all I could see was my knees knocking together. But I think we did really well. I had a great time and everyone else was also really good. I’m already looking forward to next year.

- Kirsty, P7D

TISA”s Got Talent was really good and it was quite a big surprise because all the acts were very different. Some were funny, some were serious, some were dances and some were songs. I liked The Moana Girls because of the serious dancing and the actor in front being funny and I also liked Castle because the dancer was really good. I don’t think I would have the courage to get up on stage and perform like they did. It was a really fun morning watching everyone.

- Eliza, P7J

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